Thursday 12 March 2015

3 meals a day Fishing Village

have u ever watch 3 meals a day show...
the show really captured my heart to watch it..
every week I waiting for the show..
I really fall in love with it...
coz 3 meals a day show me how to cook korean food..
I really wanna try to cook korean dish..
thats why I watch it...
then, the  season close down...

Now, I keep following another season for 3 meals a day...
3 meals a day fishing village...
but with different cast...

Cha Seung Won

Yoo Hae Jin

its ok for me..
I really enjoy the show..
also impressed with Cha Seung Won cooking skills..
but now its really hard to watch it
because no one to subtitle it with english sub..
but as long as I can watch it...
it doesnt matter...
I can watch it from this website...

Now its already episode 7...

1 comment:

  1. Sy pn suka variety show nie...tgk diaorg msak mcm best je...
