Saturday 28 March 2015


hii everyone...
its been long time...
actually nowadays I been busy looking for a job...
so thats why I am no longer doing some update at my blog..
Alhamdulillah after so much sending resume..
there is a call for an interview..
I'm so grateful to hear this...
but at seremban..
which is the place that I never been there before..
but I went there too...
But at the same day, there is another call for me..
calling for interview also
but at shah alam..
so since I will be at seremban at the morning,
so I told him why not we interview at shah alam after my interview at seremban done..
he also agree with me..
so I go there with a hope..
hope that wish my luck to be there

Alhamdulillah I got two job interview at same day..
pray to Allah for this..
so I told myself..
Allah let the rain fall to show the rainbow after the rain
I am so grateful

yeayy I got job interview after long waiting

hope so...wish me luck

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