Thursday 12 March 2015

Tips For Keep Healthy in hot weather

hiii everyone...
are u ok in this hot weather..
or already sick...
whatever it is, please take care of your self ok..
this hot weather, many thing can happen...
look like me...
already had fever...
so I dont want u to be like me...
here, I'm gonna share with u a few tips for this hot weather..


1. Drink a lot of water

2. Drink Isotonic drink to replace salt that missing from sweat process

3. Stay more at home and limit your outdoors activities

4. Use cap or umbrella to avoid direct heat to your body

5. Switch on the fan or air conditioning to cool down your body

6. Wear loose and light clothes

7. Do not stay in the car without air conditioning

8. Wear lotion that have SPF 30 and above

9. Drink less caffeine , alcoholic  and sugary

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