Friday 13 March 2015

School holiday story

are everything ok today??
I'm still not ok..
now its getting worst..
I'm starting to cough...

Now, school holiday already start right..
so everywhere is full with wedding invitation...
my mom and my sisters had some chit chat..
they chat about marriage...

my mom : they ask when my daughters wanna get married...
my sis 1 : maybe not getting married 
my mom : why not??
my sis 2 : when mom getting married?
my mom : 26 y/o
end off chatting

I just overheard they talking..
for my mom, sorry if u feel jealous towards your friend...
see they carry and play with their grandchild...
to tell u the truth...
it is not because I dont wanna get married...
I always wanna get married early..
but before this I met the wrong person...
thats make me traumatized..
Soon, I hope my Mr. Right will come to my parents..
to ask for my hand..
yeah my Mr. Right that Allah choose him to guide me till Jannah...
pray for me ok..

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