Saturday 14 March 2015

Antivirus For Computer

My computer is freaking slow...
maybe its too much things that install in my computer...
So I looking up for the antivirus that free from internet...
then I saw this antivirus..
Microsoft Security Essentials...
So I download and install it..
Now my computer can run faster...
so happy..

The reason I use this antivirus coz so much benefit of using it...

1. Memory usage and CPU that been used is low. So its good for minicomputer or computer that have low memory..

2. Configuration or Microsoft Security Essentials setting is less, simple and easy to understand. So it suitable to those who have less experience in handling computer.

3. Furthermore, this antivirus is free and anyone can download it. But its only offer for those that have original or real window user.

U must pass the Window Validation Test first before download or install it

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